HCS Meaningful Use Promoting Interoperability Disclosures

HCS eMR Real World Testing

Real World Testing is a requirement outlined in the ONC 21st Century Cures Act Final Rule for all health IT developers participating in the ONC Health IT Certification Program (reference). The purpose of this annual Condition and Maintenance of Certification requirement is for Certified Health IT Developers to demonstrate interoperability and functionality of their certified health IT in real world settings and scenarios, rather than in a controlled test environment with an ONC-Authorized Testing Lab. Real World Testing verifies that deployed Certified Health IT continues to perform as intended by conducting and measuring observations of interoperability and data exchange.

Test Plan

Test Plan

Test Plan and Results

Test Plan and Results


HCS EHI Export
This EHI Export Documentation is complete with all required elements and includes sufficient instruction to allow users to export either single patient or patient populations without HCS assistance and at no charge. Exports generated using the methodology outlined above will occur in real time and be in a compressed (ZIP) format containing CSV files with the actual EHI and a readme file with a hyperlink to the most up to date data dictionary for the file format. HCS will update the data dictionary as the database structure evolves with each new version. All information in this documentation is up to date and fully addresses the health IT developer’s EHI Export Requirements.

EHI Export Instructions

EHI Data Dictionary